Keeping up with bees this strong requires many hands and many resources. We see it as our duty to provide these bees with everything they need to fulfill their highest potential. That means as their keepers we are constantly growing and innovating.
As we continue to grow we are committed to keeping our impact on the planet low. We love getting resourceful by rescuing and repurposing materials that would end up in our tiny islands' already overflowing landfills. One man’s trash is another man's treasure and when we come together as a community we all thrive, just like our bee hives. If you find yourself in possession of any raw materials such as building supplies or the like, please drop us a line! We find a use for pretty much anything.

The gifts we always need -
Weed cloth or anything that can be used as weed cloth.
Old rugs! We use them as ground cover for our apiaries to keep out that pesky guinea grass, old weed cloth works as well! -
Any sort of usable/safe building materials. Cabinets, windows, stainless tables, brand new forklifts, plastic pallets, fridges or freezers, shelving, etc.
We are all about reuse on Kauai and will generally never turn up our noses to quality stuff!
Anything else you think we need?
Let us know!